There are many different types of visas, which are issued for specific reasons. There is the visitors, visa, the non-immigrant worker’s visa, marriage visas, permanent resident visas and others. Each of these has a process the individual must go through, which includes testing, application and document submission, before the person can be approved to enter the United States or any other country.
The USCIS reviews this information to ensure the person that has submitted an application is an upstanding individual, if they have a criminal record, why they intend to enter the country and for how long. The Idaho immigration lawyer can provide advice and assistance in the application, renewal and employer visa processes. Some of the types of visas include:
- H-B1 Specialty Occupation: This is a non-immigration visa that is for the individual who possesses special knowledge or training and has a higher education. They are permitted the visa to enter the United States for a specific amount of time for employment purposes and when the employment is fulfilled, they are required to return to their own country. This category also includes government-to-government research, projects administered by the Department of Defense and fashion models.
- H-A2Seasonal Agricultural: This a non-immigrant visa is for the individual whom an employer has petitioned for workers to enter the country for a specific amount of time, which is seasonal.
- H-2B Non-agricultural Temporary or Seasonal: This non-immigrant visa is one that the employer petitions the worker with the USCIS, and while not agricultural, is either temporary or seasonal in duration.
- H-3 Trainees: This is a visa for the training and education of the individual, which is not medical or academic. It is meant for practical training for a company or other specialized training.
This is just a sampling of the available visas, there are others such as the L intercompany transferee visa, the P-1 visa, which is for team or individual athletes, or entertainment people. The visas are specific, whether they are an immigration visa or a non-immigrant visa, with their own process. This process can be confusing for the individual, the sponsor or employer and the immigration attorney Idaho can be the voice of legal experience to help answer questions and ensure the application process is done correctly.
Immigration lawyer advice is often necessary, since the USCIS rules and regulations are subject to change and applications that are not submitted correctly with the proper documentation will be rejected. This could mean being turned down for a visa or as an employer seeking non-immigrant employees, being without workers. The immigration lawyer free consultation will allow the Idaho immigration attorney to evaluate the situation and offer a legal opinion of what should be done to ensure a visa is renewed or the employer’s petition Form 129 is understood. Applying with a petition for non-immigrant workers is not the only obligation the employer will have. They will have USCIS requirements to follow, in the event the worker does not report for work by the given date, if the employee is terminated or the job ends early, or if they have five-day absence from work without permission. The immigration lawyer Idaho will be able to explain these regulations the employer must follow, or the employee who holds a non-immigrant visa.